About us

On a mission to empower people to achieve their dreams.

Core team.

Florentijn Hogerwerf
Florentijn Hogerwerf
CEO and Co-owner
Tom McGrath
Tom McGrath
COO and Co-owner
Michaelangelo Aboyade-Cole
Michaelangelo Aboyade-Cole
Temple Ndukwu
Temple Ndukwu
Frontend Developer
Arman Behbood
Arman Behbood
Research Analyst
Hitesh Satwani
Hitesh Satwani
Frontend Developer
Cristian Cojocaru
Cristian Cojocaru
Frontend Developer
Jake Lockitch
Jake Lockitch
Frontend Developer

Our story.

At Figy we are excited about the freedom that money provides. We are all about assisting you, the financial enthusiast, on your journey towards building wealth. This has so far resulted in the Figy App, a personal finance platform that is all about wealth building insight. We offer a place where truly all of your finances come together safely in a single app.

Your privacy is our number one priority. We understand what it could mean to you if your financial data would be compromised, and are fully aware of the organizational risks in case of a data breach, which is why we are not saving on security measures.

We are not your typical expense tracking app. The flaw of expense tracking is the focus on just cash flow instead of actual profit and loss. At Figy, we demystify your deeper cost and profit in addition to your cash flow. For example, Figy splits mortgage interest from debt repayment, includes house and security appreciation and considers car depreciation to measure your net worth growth with ease. Actual cost and profit is what we believe you should consider in your financial journey.

We are also not just an investment tracking app. You want a single integrated place that covers all your assets and liabilities, no matter how simple or advanced your situation. This implies not just your securities and crypto. Even if you have multiple houses, mortgage parts with different payoff schemes, various pension plans, and current accounts in multiple countries. Figy aims to support it all.

Figy started from my own desire to have in-depth financial insight to find the right balance between expenses and acquiring real assets. A practical, always up-to-date financial plan for myself. I naturally have the desire to monitor my financial progress and like to plan ahead. I like to be in control where possible.

Whether you want to live a balanced yet more relaxed life, aim to increase financial peace of mind, simply enjoy the game of making money, aspire to climb the social ladder, or strive for the ultimate freedom of financial independence, we are absolutely sure you will love Figy now and even more so in the future.

We are at the beginning of our company journey and are confident that our ambitious team will elevate the quality standard for personal finance platforms to unprecedented heights. We hope to serve you along your financial journey and are thankful for your early trust.

Florentijn Hogerwerf

Download the app today.

And work towards any financial dream.


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Figy Services B.V.
Capucijnenstraat 21 C-15
6211RN Maastricht
kvk: 86254413